Sunday, March 9, 2008

Eating Habits


  • Carnivores are meat-eaters

  • They are at the top of the food chain

  • An animal is a carnivore if they have teeth fit for grasping and tearing, and if they only eat meat

  • The only thing that eats a carnivore, is a bigger carnivore

  • Examples: hyenas, polar bears, and foxes


  • An herbivore is an animal that only eats plants

  • They do not eat any meat

  • Some eat entire plants, while others prefer only certain parts of a plant

  • Some examples of herbivores are deer, rabbits, and grasshoppers


  • Omnivores are animals that eat both plants and meat

  • Omnivores digestive systems cannot eat just meat or just plants

  • They are able to hunt and find other food

  • Examples are most humans, pigs, and mice

1 comment:

Sarah H said...

This is really cute. You did really well getting information to show the kids about different types of animals. I like how each blog is a different topic about animals, very nice!